
My life

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I am not a yard sale type. I learned this at 9am this morning. The only thing that I do enjoy is watching the people, they get so excited!

Tomorrow is Fathers day and we are having a picnic/bbq

Here's the thing people. The busier I am, the more I actually get accomplished. I gues it's cause I'm not always saying to myself.." I'll do it tonight, tomorrow, later..." When tonight and tomorrow are already booked I can really get my ass in gear.

I'm officially on a diet as of this morning. No, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle adjustment and it is for health reasons. Last night I was reasearching type 2 diabetes and I'm soooo almost there baby. Say bye bye to the sugar.....


Jillian Grady said...

i got tested for diabetes a few weeks ago.... i'm not diabetic, which is good, so i get to eat lots of sugar still and get fatter and fatter

Jenny Lane said...

I'm glad you aren't diabetic! I don't think I am right now either, but I'm worried about it developing cause I'm sensitive to sugar.

P.S. I bought those shoes you hate, I got them 1/2 price. They suck though cause they are giving me a blister, I'm gonna have to "modify" them with the scissors.